Wednesday, July 7, 2010

lost together.

summer is here full blast. i am presently melting in my apartment. i actually enjoy sweating though. it makes me feel...alive?! ya.

i had a great june! it was aaron's birthday, my trip back to ottawa, & matt and lisa's wedding. it was awesome!

i like going back home--it was the perfect amount of time back (10 days)--not too much and not too little leaving me wanting to come back for more family time.

we spent canada day up north at aaron's grandparent's house. it was nice to be out in the country--hanging out by the campfire, paddleboating, cutting down trees (haha), reading, relaxing, and playing with the 4 year old who lives next door. he was such a funny kid. we jumped on the trampoline for a good while. made me realize that i was getting know when you used to go on swings or jump on a trampoline for hours, higher and higher you'd go? now i feel way too sick doing that! i'm like 'oooook holly's gonna take a breather' (groan).

i made scalloped potatoes for the first time on canada day too--obviously i had help from aaron's mama, but still. i was rather impressed with myself.

matt and lisa's wedding was beautiful. it was so wonderful and they're so happy and lovely, and in love! so cute. aaron and i had a blast! it was wonderful that he got to meet the whole clan.

i need to get off this computer before i break it with all this sweating i'm doing. urgh. feel nasty.


ps check out the music video aaron's boys made. i'm the girl with the red cup being serenaded to by a dude in a blue dressing gown. yaaa.