Sunday, May 22, 2011

power of love.

This weekend has been LOVELY and LOOOONG!

Aaron's away on a boys weekend which consists of beer, boats, fire, and more beer.
I'm very happy that I am not there because I can only imagine the trouble that has ensued.

However, I find it very weird not having him around. It is strange to wake up alone, go through the day and then retire to bed all alone.

Because of his absence, I had the time to hangout with my best friend Georgina and her wonderful boyfriend Mark. We spent our time planning our weddings (neither of us are engaged...yet), shopping, laughing, and dancing around.

It was lovely.

The weather also had a large impact on the fun factor. Toronto is absolutely gorgeous in the summertime and I am incredibly excited for what this summer in particular has to offer :)

My darling best friend C is coming over this evening for some late summer evening food and chats. It's been a long time since we've sat down and dished.

So even though I am boyfriend-less this weekend, I have not been without love. My friends are such great people and bring me so much joy that I feel so utterly blessed and inspired.
