Tuesday, May 25, 2010

open your heart.


we finally moved in! i couldn't be happier. i love our one bedroom apartment! it's so nice to be living in a really nice neighbourhood with trees lining the streets and the friendliest people saying "hello" as you walk past them.

speaking of walking, i think moving here has slowed down my pace. in a good way. i don't feel the rush, the anxiety, the pressure to keep up with everyone hurdling down yonge street. it's calm, here.

oh, and everyone who lives in the high park area LOVES the high park area...and will never leave. i know i won't...well not until i get my dream home in rosedale. wait, what?

our dining room has a wicked vintage chandelier that I LOVE. adore. i have a crazy obsession with chandeliers...and all shiny things really. it's beautiful. the way it looks against the linchfield gray walls and our accent feature walls make me smile BIG.

yup, my own lil home with aaron. yum.

tina came to visit this past may 24 weekend. omg. we had so much fun! aaron had gone to the cottage with the boys. it was a girls weekend! georgie, cj, and tina and i had a potluck dinner, dessert, pre-drink and then headed to stones place. a real cool cozy bar. it plays the best songs and it truly is the ultimate dance party! no boys grinding up against us, no dirty sluts and ghetto thugs...just straight lionel richie's "all night long", some "gloria" for tina, and BEATLES! yay. i have a huge blister as a result to 2-3 hr continuous dancing. it was fun but ouchie my toe hurts. why i wore the shoes i did...couldn't tell you. they were hot? ya that was probably the reason.

i've taken up painting and gardening. ok ok. maybe not "taken" up but...dabbled? tina and i painted mini flower pots this weekend...and had surprise bags...and cream soda. mmm.

(created by tina)

and i'm hoping to buy some soil and seeds tonight so i can start planting my herb garden! oh, and i need to re-pot my poor, sad, dying. cactus paolo. he really needs some help.

i need to finish my dishes and organize the laundry--we're gonna hit up a laundromat tonight..i did 6 loads last week...i still have 6 loads more to do. how? seriously. how can we have so much clothing and towels and sheets...and it's only two of us? geez. i'm scared to know what my future will be like. eeks!


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