Monday, May 31, 2010

these are my confessions.

i woke up totally awake and ready for my day. i made a delicious smoothie and made some phone calls. i really needed to change my address on all my credit cards etc. i had to eventually just sit down and call...wait on hold forever...and finally get my stuff in order. i feel really good now that it is all done.

i like to make a list for the day. things i need to accomplish. pretty proud to say i did everything and it is not even 3pm yet. i cleaned the entire apartment and i've been devising a birthday plan for aaron.

since i haven't been working very much, my cash flow is very low these days. i really want to get him something nice for his birthday. he also mentioned to me that he didn't think birthdays were a big one really did anything for him anyway. THAT WAS UNTIL HE MET ME. and i'm the queen of birthdays and christmas and all feel-good holidays. i thrive on that shit.

so here we are. i'm saving a whole bunch of pictures to my email and i'm googling love quotes (gross) and i'm going to scrapbook a little something something for him. i don't exactly know when or how i'm going to do this before thursday but i like the idea of a challenge. maybe i'll make him cupcakes for his actual birthday and then when i'm home, i can do all the scrapbooking there...mama does have some super sweet scrapbook stuff. hmm.

been listening to alot of GLEE soundtrack songs and i have to say, i wish i was a musical theatre star. there i said it. dancing, singing, performing. ahh. love it.

i want a dog. aaron wants a dog. perfect right? WRONG.

i want a puppy:


aaron wants a puppy:


grr. i was thinking maybe a compromise?
what about this cutie?

(australian retriever)

now that i look at them--i don't know. yes, the yorkie is cute. but yappy, and too little to be around children. yorkies are more apt to get frightened and nip. mastiff's are oh so cute as puppies but get bigger and slobbery and heavy and so manly ruff ruff ruff. the australian retriever is perfect. cuddly, active, great with children...

yaa i have no clue what we'll do. maybe we won't ever get a dog. SAD.


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