Thursday, August 26, 2010


ahh i haven't blogged in forever! the summer's been great and i've really enjoyed it.
it's starting to get a little windier--i think fall is just around the corner.
i love fall, especially the fashion. ohhh how i love fall fashion.
leggings, gigantic sweaters, cute scarves, and light jackets. mmm. delightful.

with fall comes my birthday. every year i get really excited when september comes around because that means only one more month til my birthday (oct 9th) naturally i begin to think of what i want gift-wise, and also in lieu of back-to-school time, i always reflect on what i want to do this year.
for me it has always been september that's felt like a new year...

so. i'm turning 24 this year. and normally i'd be delighted for a new birthday but urgh, 24 is getting me down. it's almost 25...

i think the more depressing thing (and also a kick in the ass thing) is what have i done with my life? eee. i have incredible people around me, i have an amazing life, but am i on the right path to be where i want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years?

there are so many things i want to do and i know i have plenty of time. i think for me the biggest challenge is starting something. like REALLY starting something. and because i feel so awfully self-aware, i've decided that yes, i love my life and yes, i am not where i want to be right now.

however instead of moping about it, i've decided to do something about it.
i am going to write out a 5 year plan. and i'm going to also write hobbies i'd like to start or things i want to accomplish amidst my lifelong dream to be a successful, working actress.

some hobbies i've already thought of...sewing. it has never appealed to me before, maybe because i felt majorly enforced to enjoy it when i was in brownies as a child, but i like crafts, and i've found some amazing craft blogs that i love. how cool would it be to sew a beautiful fabric garland that i could use at parties or to decorate a holiday in my home?

also, jogging. not jogging to be all fit and whatever because everyone and anyone who knows me knows i HATE working out...well i hate starting the workout...urgh.
i live close to the park. and i like being outside. i figure, why the hell not?

being more naturey. enjoying nature more. being active. being productive. saying i'm going to do something and do it.

all this isn't even considering my non-existent but passionate career as an actor.


oh, and i want to be good at cooking.
food for thought.

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