Friday, December 31, 2010

you got the love.

Wow. I haven't blogged in forever! 4 months is WAYYY too long!

Today is the last day of 2010. I figured what better way to cap off 2010, then to blog about my favorite things from the year.


*Our lovely trip to Mexico. It was beautiful, inspiring, and magical.

*Our beautiful new apartment that keeps getting better and better with all the new create we put into it and all the love that is growing.

*Edward, our new kitten. He was a Christmas gift!! He's so sweet and playful. He matches our colour scheme too, haha. He's PURRRFECT!

*My family is all healthy, happy, doing well--I couldn't be happier.

*Every single day of 2010, I have woken up and gone to bed beside the most amazing, most gentle, and honest man I have ever met. I am the luckiest girl.

*My girlfriends are all fabulous--busy and working hard. I receive a lot of support and love from each and everyone of them, even if and when I don't see them.

*Emily. The most adorable 16 month-old. She is the greatest little ray of sunshine and I count myself very lucky to be able to be in her life. She rocks my life!

*I've been working and volunteering for the last 4 months and I have never done anything that requires so much confront, passion, and knowledge. I love it. I am highly productive and love it.

HERE I COME 2011!!

I'm not usually a fan of resolutions because I always seem to break them...haha every year I "try" and workout. Hilarious.

But this year, I want to eat more vegetables (ha!), blog more (PROMISE!), take better care of my body, listen more, whine less, and have fun. I really want to make the time to do the things I love without feeling stressed and angry at the obligations I do have. I want to make more money and pay off debt, start saving for a house (my DREAM), and read more. learn how to cook and enjoy it! Knit more. Learn how to sew. Study wedding planning. Interior decorating. Start planning for a future. LOVE.

Sigh. I think 2011 is going to be a great year! I can feel it!
(I might say this every year but this time I REALLY MEAN IT)

My house is a home.
And here is my new kitty, Edward.

Happy New Year!!

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