Friday, February 11, 2011

Need You Now.

We're going to a wedding tonight.
Aaron and I are not super close to the couple but we are very excited to go to a wedding.
Well, at least I am!
I LOVE weddings!!

Aaron bought a new grey suit and it is stunning!
He's going to look really good...mmm.

It's almost Valentine's Day.
I love this holiday, regardless if it is cheezy or cliche or annoying or Hallmark-created.
I love a day to celebrate LOVE.

Well, I definitely didn't like it when I was single, haha.
I LOVE it now.

Aaron's having a hard time understanding that he is dating, possibly, the most romantic woman in the world.
I live for flowers, cute cards, that lil extra something.

Valentine's Day is a day to show the one you love, that you love them.
Going that extra little mile to show them you care.

I think it's delightful.

I don't think Aaron feels the same way.

Maybe the wedding will make him a little mushier.
Who knows?

On another note, still LOVE related, my friend Kayla is getting married in December.
And because she knows I love weddings and am obsessed--she's letting me plan it!!
AND to make it that much better, she has asked me to be one of 3 bridemaids!

I've never been a bridesmaid before.
Can't wait.

I'm getting more into musicals again...I go through waves.
And now I'm in a WAVE.

I wish I was a singer.


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