Friday, December 31, 2010

you got the love.

Wow. I haven't blogged in forever! 4 months is WAYYY too long!

Today is the last day of 2010. I figured what better way to cap off 2010, then to blog about my favorite things from the year.


*Our lovely trip to Mexico. It was beautiful, inspiring, and magical.

*Our beautiful new apartment that keeps getting better and better with all the new create we put into it and all the love that is growing.

*Edward, our new kitten. He was a Christmas gift!! He's so sweet and playful. He matches our colour scheme too, haha. He's PURRRFECT!

*My family is all healthy, happy, doing well--I couldn't be happier.

*Every single day of 2010, I have woken up and gone to bed beside the most amazing, most gentle, and honest man I have ever met. I am the luckiest girl.

*My girlfriends are all fabulous--busy and working hard. I receive a lot of support and love from each and everyone of them, even if and when I don't see them.

*Emily. The most adorable 16 month-old. She is the greatest little ray of sunshine and I count myself very lucky to be able to be in her life. She rocks my life!

*I've been working and volunteering for the last 4 months and I have never done anything that requires so much confront, passion, and knowledge. I love it. I am highly productive and love it.

HERE I COME 2011!!

I'm not usually a fan of resolutions because I always seem to break them...haha every year I "try" and workout. Hilarious.

But this year, I want to eat more vegetables (ha!), blog more (PROMISE!), take better care of my body, listen more, whine less, and have fun. I really want to make the time to do the things I love without feeling stressed and angry at the obligations I do have. I want to make more money and pay off debt, start saving for a house (my DREAM), and read more. learn how to cook and enjoy it! Knit more. Learn how to sew. Study wedding planning. Interior decorating. Start planning for a future. LOVE.

Sigh. I think 2011 is going to be a great year! I can feel it!
(I might say this every year but this time I REALLY MEAN IT)

My house is a home.
And here is my new kitty, Edward.

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


ahh i haven't blogged in forever! the summer's been great and i've really enjoyed it.
it's starting to get a little windier--i think fall is just around the corner.
i love fall, especially the fashion. ohhh how i love fall fashion.
leggings, gigantic sweaters, cute scarves, and light jackets. mmm. delightful.

with fall comes my birthday. every year i get really excited when september comes around because that means only one more month til my birthday (oct 9th) naturally i begin to think of what i want gift-wise, and also in lieu of back-to-school time, i always reflect on what i want to do this year.
for me it has always been september that's felt like a new year...

so. i'm turning 24 this year. and normally i'd be delighted for a new birthday but urgh, 24 is getting me down. it's almost 25...

i think the more depressing thing (and also a kick in the ass thing) is what have i done with my life? eee. i have incredible people around me, i have an amazing life, but am i on the right path to be where i want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years?

there are so many things i want to do and i know i have plenty of time. i think for me the biggest challenge is starting something. like REALLY starting something. and because i feel so awfully self-aware, i've decided that yes, i love my life and yes, i am not where i want to be right now.

however instead of moping about it, i've decided to do something about it.
i am going to write out a 5 year plan. and i'm going to also write hobbies i'd like to start or things i want to accomplish amidst my lifelong dream to be a successful, working actress.

some hobbies i've already thought of...sewing. it has never appealed to me before, maybe because i felt majorly enforced to enjoy it when i was in brownies as a child, but i like crafts, and i've found some amazing craft blogs that i love. how cool would it be to sew a beautiful fabric garland that i could use at parties or to decorate a holiday in my home?

also, jogging. not jogging to be all fit and whatever because everyone and anyone who knows me knows i HATE working out...well i hate starting the workout...urgh.
i live close to the park. and i like being outside. i figure, why the hell not?

being more naturey. enjoying nature more. being active. being productive. saying i'm going to do something and do it.

all this isn't even considering my non-existent but passionate career as an actor.


oh, and i want to be good at cooking.
food for thought.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

lost together.

summer is here full blast. i am presently melting in my apartment. i actually enjoy sweating though. it makes me feel...alive?! ya.

i had a great june! it was aaron's birthday, my trip back to ottawa, & matt and lisa's wedding. it was awesome!

i like going back home--it was the perfect amount of time back (10 days)--not too much and not too little leaving me wanting to come back for more family time.

we spent canada day up north at aaron's grandparent's house. it was nice to be out in the country--hanging out by the campfire, paddleboating, cutting down trees (haha), reading, relaxing, and playing with the 4 year old who lives next door. he was such a funny kid. we jumped on the trampoline for a good while. made me realize that i was getting know when you used to go on swings or jump on a trampoline for hours, higher and higher you'd go? now i feel way too sick doing that! i'm like 'oooook holly's gonna take a breather' (groan).

i made scalloped potatoes for the first time on canada day too--obviously i had help from aaron's mama, but still. i was rather impressed with myself.

matt and lisa's wedding was beautiful. it was so wonderful and they're so happy and lovely, and in love! so cute. aaron and i had a blast! it was wonderful that he got to meet the whole clan.

i need to get off this computer before i break it with all this sweating i'm doing. urgh. feel nasty.


ps check out the music video aaron's boys made. i'm the girl with the red cup being serenaded to by a dude in a blue dressing gown. yaaa.

Monday, May 31, 2010

these are my confessions.

i woke up totally awake and ready for my day. i made a delicious smoothie and made some phone calls. i really needed to change my address on all my credit cards etc. i had to eventually just sit down and call...wait on hold forever...and finally get my stuff in order. i feel really good now that it is all done.

i like to make a list for the day. things i need to accomplish. pretty proud to say i did everything and it is not even 3pm yet. i cleaned the entire apartment and i've been devising a birthday plan for aaron.

since i haven't been working very much, my cash flow is very low these days. i really want to get him something nice for his birthday. he also mentioned to me that he didn't think birthdays were a big one really did anything for him anyway. THAT WAS UNTIL HE MET ME. and i'm the queen of birthdays and christmas and all feel-good holidays. i thrive on that shit.

so here we are. i'm saving a whole bunch of pictures to my email and i'm googling love quotes (gross) and i'm going to scrapbook a little something something for him. i don't exactly know when or how i'm going to do this before thursday but i like the idea of a challenge. maybe i'll make him cupcakes for his actual birthday and then when i'm home, i can do all the scrapbooking there...mama does have some super sweet scrapbook stuff. hmm.

been listening to alot of GLEE soundtrack songs and i have to say, i wish i was a musical theatre star. there i said it. dancing, singing, performing. ahh. love it.

i want a dog. aaron wants a dog. perfect right? WRONG.

i want a puppy:


aaron wants a puppy:


grr. i was thinking maybe a compromise?
what about this cutie?

(australian retriever)

now that i look at them--i don't know. yes, the yorkie is cute. but yappy, and too little to be around children. yorkies are more apt to get frightened and nip. mastiff's are oh so cute as puppies but get bigger and slobbery and heavy and so manly ruff ruff ruff. the australian retriever is perfect. cuddly, active, great with children...

yaa i have no clue what we'll do. maybe we won't ever get a dog. SAD.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

open your heart.


we finally moved in! i couldn't be happier. i love our one bedroom apartment! it's so nice to be living in a really nice neighbourhood with trees lining the streets and the friendliest people saying "hello" as you walk past them.

speaking of walking, i think moving here has slowed down my pace. in a good way. i don't feel the rush, the anxiety, the pressure to keep up with everyone hurdling down yonge street. it's calm, here.

oh, and everyone who lives in the high park area LOVES the high park area...and will never leave. i know i won't...well not until i get my dream home in rosedale. wait, what?

our dining room has a wicked vintage chandelier that I LOVE. adore. i have a crazy obsession with chandeliers...and all shiny things really. it's beautiful. the way it looks against the linchfield gray walls and our accent feature walls make me smile BIG.

yup, my own lil home with aaron. yum.

tina came to visit this past may 24 weekend. omg. we had so much fun! aaron had gone to the cottage with the boys. it was a girls weekend! georgie, cj, and tina and i had a potluck dinner, dessert, pre-drink and then headed to stones place. a real cool cozy bar. it plays the best songs and it truly is the ultimate dance party! no boys grinding up against us, no dirty sluts and ghetto thugs...just straight lionel richie's "all night long", some "gloria" for tina, and BEATLES! yay. i have a huge blister as a result to 2-3 hr continuous dancing. it was fun but ouchie my toe hurts. why i wore the shoes i did...couldn't tell you. they were hot? ya that was probably the reason.

i've taken up painting and gardening. ok ok. maybe not "taken" up but...dabbled? tina and i painted mini flower pots this weekend...and had surprise bags...and cream soda. mmm.

(created by tina)

and i'm hoping to buy some soil and seeds tonight so i can start planting my herb garden! oh, and i need to re-pot my poor, sad, dying. cactus paolo. he really needs some help.

i need to finish my dishes and organize the laundry--we're gonna hit up a laundromat tonight..i did 6 loads last week...i still have 6 loads more to do. how? seriously. how can we have so much clothing and towels and sheets...and it's only two of us? geez. i'm scared to know what my future will be like. eeks!
